It all started with this popular post on New York Times, on a story of an island where people seems forgot dying. Then, this post from Jeff Atwood which quoting another post about Steve Jobs.

Those posts really struck me in the most philosophical fashion. It spawned numerous questions, for which many people still searching for the best answers: What is success? How do you measure success? What is your goal in life? How do you plan to achieve it? What is your priority? How do you sort it?

Then, after contemplating for some time, the answer seems very clear. I’ve been reading it all along since I was kid.

It was a Muhammad pbuh who said: “The best people are those who are most beneficial to other people”.

The keyword is BENEFIT. How much you contribute to benefit other people and society is the best measure of success. Other people here can be your family, friends, neighbour, customer, etc. The limit is infinite. You even can be beneficial to animals, plants, earth and universe.

So, how much value can you give to benefit your environment?